2 minutes reading time (466 words)

Mom was killed by hospital protocols


My mom was murdered by the hospital protocol. The EMS had to take her locally, and we already knew what that hospital was capable of. We couldn't take her by vehicle due to O2 stats, or we definitely would have. No family allowed to advocate. They made her wait longer times, left her personal items at nurse's station that were brought for her they were never given, we were never called at times medical events happened until hours later.

Gave her Remdesivir as soon as she got to ER. She was septic, had pulmonary Embolism, kidney levels off, trialed her over several days of masks, Vancomycin, she developed Edema, and went into cardiac arrest 6 days into her stay. They got her pulse back, vented her, and 5 hours later pronounced dead.

Then we find out December 3, 2021 the Remdesivir was recalled, due to possible glass particles. If the glass reaches the blood vessels it can travel to various organs and block blood vessels in the heart, lungs or brain which can cause stroke and even lead to death. The Remdesivir lots recalled were during the time frame of her stay, but the hospital will not release that information to us. We have tried many times, many ways.

Medications given: Remdesivir, antibiotics, adrenaline, Actemra, anxiety meds, atorvastatin, blood thinner, blood pressure meds, dexamethasone, Decadron, diuretic, Enoxaparin, famotidine, fentanal, heparin, insulin (never diabetic), lasix, lovenox, midazolam, nimbex, Oxygen, pain killers, pantoprazole, propofol, sedatives, sodium chloride, tocilzumab, Vancomycin, vasopressin, levofloxacin, sertraline, ipratropium-albuteroL, Levaquin, cisatracurium, Zestoretic, DIURIL, ZEMURON, Levophed 

If you have lost a loved one to this cruel practice, please take the survey! The more people who take it the more insight we will have. Please also share with family, friends and across your networks. Lets get the truth out there! Click here or on the image below to take the survey. 

The following videos give a deeper understanding of what has and is continuing to happen. The first is a documentary covering the stories of family who lost their loved ones to involuntary euthanasia. The second video is Michael Elston who is raising awareness of the new Nice Guidelines for NG163 protocol:

Jacqui Deevoy is a freelance journalist who spent many years writing for major British newspapers. Around two years ago she began investigating how a banished euthanasia program had returned to British hospitals—coinciding with the onset of COVID-19. 

Michael Elston speaking from Altrincham Town Hall concerning NHS England's reintroduction of involuntary euthanasia as part of its response to the covid-19 pandemic because this country simply does not have enough hospital beds to treat everyone. 

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Halt Hospital Homicide
Justice for Marsha


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