7 minutes reading time (1342 words)

Midazolam Murders - Breathtaking, Literally


By now, most reading my articles know of my Mother's murder by lethal protocols in hospital that was also carried out on thousands of other family members primarily in 2020 and shown by the shocking levels of EOL drugs ordered like midazolam that should've lasted 18 months or more but due to a brutal desperation to build a fear narrative, Matt Hancock & Dr (and now MP) Luke Evans through online conversations recorded for posterity, pushed this drive and so it was used up within 5 months.

On the outside the fear campaign seemed to be working in their eyes but there were so many inconsistencies, take for instance of the sealing Mum up in a bag after her death, or so I was told and which was a lie because the funeral home told me that on receipt of Mum they didn't realise that she'd "died" of Covid, which you'd think was a bloody hard thing to do bearing in mind the supposed sealed bag!!

What many never realised was the governments reward to places of "Care" to hurry loved ones on their way off this mortal coil, financial incentives were given to do so which is bizarre and showing such a murderous intent of these medical institutions like Hospitals that allowed themselves to be bribed to put patients on a pathway to death which we clearly saw during "Covid", and which were then used as the fear narrative to scare the british public out of their wits.

Wait until the ordinary Nurses who weren't party to the funding offered find out they were used so disgustingly to do others bidding for monetary gain, many of those administered the EOL "care" prescribed without thought because "they just did their job" yet that won't be enough to excuse them for the murder of our loved ones and do need to be held accountable at some point.

There are some good Nurses and Drs out there, I've seen them and many others have too but there's a shocking culling of relatives in hospitals through these lethal protocols that means that through enforced DNR's that restrict food and water, I've seen the medical records that show this, the patient becomes weaker and a frailty-score then becomes elevated to the level that EOL comes into play.

Look at the video pinned to my Twitter X timeline, it's not an easy watch but you can see my Mum wasn't in bad health yet she was in effect murdered through midazolam & morphine prescribed the very next day and I didn't find out what was happening until 6 days later and then Mum was gone within hours.

Imagine a Cash incentive given for NHS trusts that meet targets on protocols such as the Liverpool Care Pathway and later known as NG163, and it's been going on for years which is such a disgusting agenda to reduce the population by murdering them, even a previous investigation on the LCP supposedly saw it such an abomination that demanded it's immediate removal from "healthcare" that even though it was stated as such, carried on to this day.

"An Arrogance of doctors still using banned death pathway because 'they think' they know what's best for patients" was the headline for one publication and regardless of NICE guidelines telling Drs to change methods, reminding staff not to make 'snap decisions' about the fate they declare those near death, they carried on using the LCP regardless.

Why would something declared so 'highly controversial' by NICE be allowed by staff so full of their own importance to make certain death decisions on patients who potentially could recover as laid out in the guidelines that even a government independent review in 2012 recommended the practice be abolished by July 2014.

Even years later Nurses and other experts gave evidence testifying to MP's within the Health select committee that the Pathway was still being used by hospitals although under a new name as seems to be common because whilst Mum was murdered with it it was labelled NG163 and has been since changed yet again, all so that the places where our families we're meant to be safe could then in fact be put to death.

Back in the days of the free-press we actually saw real journalism investigate horrors such as these being committed like the above and there was even a BBC Panorama documentary produced on it and 11 years ago a media story into the Liverpool Care Pathway showed it was scrapped after shocking abuses of patients and their families yet we know that was a lie, something you'll not see included in the "breathtaking" drama ITV have recently shown on their channel.

The reason I bring up the program in the first place is because the real cause for alarm in hospitals in 2020 onwards is because of the lethal protocols pushed on family members yet did this feature in the drama series based on the "Memoir" of a Dr, No sadly is the answer as it would open up a big can of worms for those in government and "healthcare" to admit the part they played causing the murders and later recording these deaths of thousands as a Covid death knowing all the while it was a lie.

So, In light of the "Breathtaking" new drama by ITV in a bid to rewire the publics understanding of the "Covid" crisis from not what they've learned was a total destruction of society for a flu virus but to something so "deadly" that the Nurses and Drs were "fearful" for their lives I felt incredibly incensed to write a countering argument to this fear-propaganda that I fear is nothing but a well-timed piece to prepare the public for "Disease X" that's been bandied about by all of the paid media as "the one we should next be afraid of."

If people didn't need a bigger wake-up call on the aims of the drama was that it's been ghost-written by Jed Mercurio who's responsible for thriller shows like Line of Duty and Bodyguard so the intention was there to beef-up a fictional story in my eyes into one that's more thrilling and scary and using the nightly fear-campaign bulletins given by Boris Johnson, PM at the time and others, unlike the source material written by "Palliative Care" Dr Rachel Clarke, of her and other's experiences in uk hospitals during the plandemic although stating "Everything that the public is going to see on screen, it has to be true, it has to have happened in some shape or form, to a real doctor, to a real nurse."

I know from my own experiences in A&E and whilst visiting wearing PPE during the same time frame that it was very different in that those same Drs and Nurses often wore their paper masks around their necks, the plastic visors were largely non-existent and the "fear" being spoken about during the drama didn't exist that I saw from many Wards and different times, people just went about their business and patients weren't even reprimanded for not masking up.

What a disgraceful missed opportunity to all those who really died through lethal protocols and government lockdown decisions causing irreparable mental harm on so many and not forgetting all of the covid vaccine deaths that added such an incredible rise to the excess deaths totals seen worldwide, shameful.

There was such a disgusting abandonment of Oaths to do no harm that saw the shocking murders of loved ones that so many thousands of families will never get over but through legal actions taken whether singularly or by way of a class action suit we will stop this happening to other families to ensure the safety of others remains a priority and being an act of decency remains.

In a call to action by Nurses who've surely seen things

If you have something you'd like to reveal on the 'care' you've been witness to, please help me and thousands of others who lost their loved ones in 2020, thank you 

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Comments 2

ChrisS on Sunday, 03 March 2024 18:06

My dad and others were also put on the lethal protocol. Dad was not End Of Life and was chirpy and ready to go home. The last conversation I had with him he said "the Doctor and Social Services are in a meeting right now to discuss my release, I think I will be home tomorrow". Then he was put on Midazolam/Morphine. He was effectively murdered based on decisions made by his doctor and the Social Services. This is still happening now.

My hairdresser told me a horrific story whereby her mum in law who was fit as anything went in to Southampton hospital for something routine. She was still in there about 8 weeks on and a shadow of her former self and made gravely ill by the hospital. They had lawyers trying to get her out and quickly got Lasting Power of Attorney.

I am not sure of the outcome (yet) but they have destroyed her quality of life for sure. This has to be stopped!

My dad and others were also put on the lethal protocol. Dad was not End Of Life and was chirpy and ready to go home. The last conversation I had with him he said "the Doctor and Social Services are in a meeting right now to discuss my release, I think I will be home tomorrow". Then he was put on Midazolam/Morphine. He was effectively murdered based on decisions made by his doctor and the Social Services. This is still happening now. My hairdresser told me a horrific story whereby her mum in law who was fit as anything went in to Southampton hospital for something routine. She was still in there about 8 weeks on and a shadow of her former self and made gravely ill by the hospital. They had lawyers trying to get her out and quickly got Lasting Power of Attorney. I am not sure of the outcome (yet) but they have destroyed her quality of life for sure. This has to be stopped!
Alison on Sunday, 17 March 2024 13:05

I am seeing and hearing pretty much the same sort of thing now. What's worse, I speak to people who don't even realise it is happening to their loved one. A lady only a week or so ago was telling me about her sister's husband. He went in to hospital with tummy pain. They diagnosed him with cancer (not sure if she said kidney). Within 2 weeks he died in hospital He was in a coma for most of it.

I have read about the EOL drugs being used and it sounded pretty much like this poor man was put through that. He was 53 and leaves behind 2 daughters, a wife and 3 grandkids. Very sad.

I keep hearing about people being diagnosed with cancers and then dying soon after. This concerns me. I would get a second opinion if it were myself or a loved one diagnosed in an NHS hospital as the trust has completely gone.

I am seeing and hearing pretty much the same sort of thing now. What's worse, I speak to people who don't even realise it is happening to their loved one. A lady only a week or so ago was telling me about her sister's husband. He went in to hospital with tummy pain. They diagnosed him with cancer (not sure if she said kidney). Within 2 weeks he died in hospital He was in a coma for most of it. I have read about the EOL drugs being used and it sounded pretty much like this poor man was put through that. He was 53 and leaves behind 2 daughters, a wife and 3 grandkids. Very sad. I keep hearing about people being diagnosed with cancers and then dying soon after. This concerns me. I would get a second opinion if it were myself or a loved one diagnosed in an NHS hospital as the trust has completely gone.
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