5 minutes reading time (912 words)

They Killed My Husband Dave with Remdesivir!

I took Dave to Ashley River Tower ER in Charleston, SC on Sunday, August 29th, 2021. They made him wear an N95 mask that did not fit his face, hurting his ears and being too tight. When they suspected he had been exposed to COVID, they isolated us, making me sit outside for 6 hrs. Dave couldn't answer questions or talk; he needed me to be his voice. 

The doctor came outside and said he has COVID and is going to ICU for monitoring. I asked him to take Dave's CPAP machine and clothes, but he wouldn't do it. Dave was without that CPAP from Sunday evening till Tuesday night. Dave was taken in for fatigue and 4 days of diarrhea. He tested positive on the nasal test, but his blood work appears to be negative. They also highly advised he would benefit from monoclonal antibodies, but he was denied that.

I went to the hospital to see him 4 days later, as they had told me I could be around him if I wore PPE. On Thursday, I went to see Dave. Once I got on his floor, I could hear him yelling my name, but the nurse refused to let me see him. I asked for his doctor. He told me I couldn't be around him and that he (Dr. Roger Pons) had given him an antibiotic that caused confusion, and he fell out of bed, leading them to tie him to his bed. I begged for Ivermectin and was told, "they" won't let us use it. They gave me a monitor at the nurses' station, and that's when I saw him tied down; I yelled at him, and he was looking for me. Dr. Roger Pons opened his door for me to see him. David was so excited, and he winked at me.

I spoke to him three days in a row; he told me he had been manhandled by three men, and he felt fine and wanted to come home. Since I lived 150 miles from this hospital, I went back the next Sunday to see him. He was in ICU then, sedated, and chewing on his tongue. His face was swollen, his hand bandaged, and still in tie-down straps. I was still not allowed to see him, but through a window, and for half visits, I took pics of him, and his knee was badly bruised, and his ankle was black from the strap. I never got that half-hour visit that day; they ran me off the floor, kept telling me, "we have a situation."

I got called in the middle of the night a few days later and told he had been shocked. I drove to Charleston and met with a Dr. Briana Rodriguez, an ER Dr on the ICU floor, and she told my daughter and me Dave was a medical mystery, they didn't know what was wrong with him because he wouldn't come out of sedation. Dr. Sese told us, "if it is what we think it is, what quality of life does he have?" all the while hinting to pull his plug. Nurses and doctors lied to us so many times. They never once made an attempt for us to speak to Dave, took his cell phone away and out of his room, turned his TV off and left him with nothing.

Dave had skin shedding off his eyelids and mouth, and he had a tear stain down the side of his face. We were called in one night, and they said they shocked him and had worked on him for 6 hrs. I spoke to the night nurse that night at 9:30 pm; she said he was fine. I got that call at midnight. When we arrived at the hospital, a Dr tried telling me they had been working on him for 6 hrs, shocked him 4 times. I looked at her and said your math doesn't add up; I called at 9:30 pm and was told he was fine. I shut down on her and couldn't speak to her.

We were treated badly; no one would answer questions, no one told us side effects of Remdesivir. I never was told he was on Fentanyl; once I did find out, I told them to get him off it. He was on it till death. 

I had no idea of Dexamethasone, Precedex, Propofol, Seroquel, or any other drugs they gave him. We met the doctors the day before his death; my daughter asked his cancer Dr. Nappolli, Dr. Briana Rodriguez, a pulmonary Dr., 2 palliative nurses, and a chaplain. "Are you trying to get my dad better, or are you trying to kill him?" We have reason to believe Dave was dead 2 days before his death date; his fingers had black on them (I have pics) on his right hand, and his bedside did too, and 2 bedsores on his back, one had blood coming from it. We received glass stones with his fingerprints on them. I believe Dave was starved, dehydrated, and abused.

The day after Dave's death, September 16, 2021, this very hospital put on their website, now offering Ivermectin Clinical Trials. I stood 19 days prior and begged for it to be used. Where was his medical freedom? His ADA rights were violated, and I had called them and asked for help, and they turned me away. He had no voice. My forever love was taken from me. 

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