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Murdered In Hospital: My Mum Didn't Stand A Chance


As told to Jacqui Deevoy.

My 76 year old mum was admitted into the Royal London Hospital with backache less than two weeks ago. She had early emphysema but could breathe on her own. She was given morphine and oxygen in A & E, then left on a trolley for 12 hours. Then she was moved to a ward.

We were told within days she had lung cancer and a chest infection yet they refused to show me the X-ray results, despite me asking many times.

They said the antibiotics weren't clearing up her chest infection. They then increased the morphine and said she had weeks to live. At this stage, she was struggling to breathe on her own: 48 hours later, I was told she had just days to live. A nurse said they were going to have to give her Midazolam and rushed towards the door. I shouted "NO!" and she stopped in her tracks. Another nurse then became hostile and started questioning me, asking why I didn't want my mum to have Midazolam. I explained how I knew it was used in lethal injections and said I didn't want to risk losing my mum. They seemed to accept that. A bit later, however, when I'd gone home to get some sleep, the nurses convinced my two siblings to let her have it and, during the night, they administered the Midazolam on top of the morphine.

Shortly after, in the early hours of 22nd September 2023, my brother texted me to say our mum was deteriorating fast. I rushed to the hospital and saw a nurse giving her another dose of Midazolam and morphine. A few hours later, she was dead.

It was a terrible death. She was struggling to breathe, turning blue, digging her nails into the bed, in agonising pain she passed away.

She'd said to me several times "they are trying to take me out." I questioned one of the doctors about that and he said that the morphine was making her say silly things. But she wasn't being silly - she KNEW. She knew what they were doing and that's why she kept saying she was frightened and wanted to go home. I wanted to take her home but it all happened so quickly.

In my opinion, my mum was murdered and didn't stand a chance. 

Playing God (Final Phase) by Jacqui Deevoy 

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The following videos give a deeper understanding of what has and is continuing to happen. The first is a documentary covering the stories of family who lost their loved ones to involuntary euthanasia. The second video is Michael Elston who is raising awareness of the new Nice Guidelines for NG163 protocol:

Jacqui Deevoy is a freelance journalist who spent many years writing for major British newspapers. Around two years ago she began investigating how a banished euthanasia program had returned to British hospitals—coinciding with the onset of COVID-19. 

Michael Elston speaking from Altrincham Town Hall concerning NHS England's reintroduction of involuntary euthanasia as part of its response to the covid-19 pandemic because this country simply does not have enough hospital beds to treat everyone. 

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The ugliest face of Covid-19
“They killed him, then stole his organs.”

Comments 6

YourSay on Thursday, 28 September 2023 07:07

This is still pretty raw for this poor family. It looks like it only happened days ago. This clearly shows that the deliberate euthanising of innocent people is still rampent in hospitals across the UK. Hearing so many similar horror stories every day now!


This is still pretty raw for this poor family. It looks like it only happened days ago. This clearly shows that the deliberate euthanising of innocent people is still rampent in hospitals across the UK. Hearing so many similar horror stories every day now! THE UK PUBLIC NEED TO WAKE UP TO WHAT'S GOUNG ON. WHY ARE THE MAIN NEWS CHANNELS NOT REPORTING ON THIS??? ABSOLUTELY SHOCKING! THEY ARE GETTING AWAY WITH MASS MURDER!!!
Guest - Jan on Thursday, 28 September 2023 14:44

They did this to my father. Are hospital trusts being financially incentivised to administer Midazolam?

They did this to my father. Are hospital trusts being financially incentivised to administer Midazolam?
Guest - Jacqui (website) on Thursday, 28 September 2023 16:40

Can you tell me more about what happened to your father and I can add you to our support group if you’re not a member already.

Can you tell me more about what happened to your father and I can add you to our support group if you’re not a member already.
Te Mpleton on Friday, 29 September 2023 13:03

Hi Jacqui, my father was not given emergency care for severe chest pain he developed in hospital after having his 02 saturations kept far too low over a number of days. Instead he was euthanised with morphine and Midazolam, despite having respiratory issues. He was not a terminally ill patient and this palliative care regime started against his will with the advent of a new consultant three days before he died. They tried to bully him relentlessly into accepting palliative care. It is written in his notes that he did not want palliative care or Oramorph. However, the next day, it was written in his notes that the plan was palliative care. He was a doctor himself and very unhappy with the treatment he was receiving at the hospital, especially the deprivation of oxygen. Now, predictably, a lot of his notes have gone missing and there is no record of the syringe of Midazolam that was injected into his stomach after his condition deteriorated on August 3. When I got to the hospital at 3:20 am on 3 August 2023, I didn’t know what had happened to cause his condition to deteriorate. Now I think that he may have had a heart attack due to the turning down of his oxygen. Because he was in so much pain and because there was no emergency care available, I couldn’t object to palliative care at that point because I didn’t know what was wrong with him and he couldn’t bear the pain. I didn’t know that Midazolam was not a painkiller. The call I received came from his mobile phone – apparently, he had been trying to reach me. Had he not been trying to reach me, I suspect that they would not have called me at all until it was all over.

Hi Jacqui, my father was not given emergency care for severe chest pain he developed in hospital after having his 02 saturations kept far too low over a number of days. Instead he was euthanised with morphine and Midazolam, despite having respiratory issues. He was not a terminally ill patient and this palliative care regime started against his will with the advent of a new consultant three days before he died. They tried to bully him relentlessly into accepting palliative care. It is written in his notes that he did not want palliative care or Oramorph. However, the next day, it was written in his notes that the plan was palliative care. He was a doctor himself and very unhappy with the treatment he was receiving at the hospital, especially the deprivation of oxygen. Now, predictably, a lot of his notes have gone missing and there is no record of the syringe of Midazolam that was injected into his stomach after his condition deteriorated on August 3. When I got to the hospital at 3:20 am on 3 August 2023, I didn’t know what had happened to cause his condition to deteriorate. Now I think that he may have had a heart attack due to the turning down of his oxygen. Because he was in so much pain and because there was no emergency care available, I couldn’t object to palliative care at that point because I didn’t know what was wrong with him and he couldn’t bear the pain. I didn’t know that Midazolam was not a painkiller. The call I received came from his mobile phone – apparently, he had been trying to reach me. Had he not been trying to reach me, I suspect that they would not have called me at all until it was all over.
Lloyd on Sunday, 01 October 2023 19:45

This is totally uncacceptable! Disgraceful. To think even doctors are subjected to this abhorrent treatment. It is barbaric. I thought it was just regular people subjected to this and people who worked currently or in the past had some kind of protection or immunity from it - hense why they were OK administering it. Now it makes sense. It truly is a blanket murdering and depopulation exercise.

This is totally uncacceptable! Disgraceful. To think even doctors are subjected to this abhorrent treatment. It is barbaric. I thought it was just regular people subjected to this and people who worked currently or in the past had some kind of protection or immunity from it - hense why they were OK administering it. Now it makes sense. It truly is a blanket murdering and depopulation exercise.
Te Mpleton on Sunday, 01 October 2023 21:06

Thank you so much, Lloyd - I really appreciate your empathy, as I’m finding it quite difficult to live with this dreadful knowledge. Looking at the notes, I can see that they really did try to browbeat my father into submission. It was elder abuse and I didn’t appreciate how bad it was until it was too late. The hospital was Morriston Hospital in Swansea.

Thank you so much, Lloyd - I really appreciate your empathy, as I’m finding it quite difficult to live with this dreadful knowledge. Looking at the notes, I can see that they really did try to browbeat my father into submission. It was elder abuse and I didn’t appreciate how bad it was until it was too late. The hospital was Morriston Hospital in Swansea.
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