6 minutes reading time (1232 words)

Please Help Bring Mary, 84, Home To Her Son


This is much more common than people think. Government, Social Services and others working together and stripping vulnerable elderly of their assets. This is the story of Mary, as told by her son. Please help him get his mother home:

Urgent Appeal by Family Rights Campaign Group, Unlock Care Homes

We are a grassroots group of family rights campaigners seeking justice for families failed by the State and private care providers. We have launched this appeal for funds on behalf of Mary's son.

Case background

For the past three years, on the orders of her local Social Services, Mary has been held in a care home against her will and denied meaningful contact with her son, David. Worse still, having gained both welfare and now financial guardianship on the basis of false and dishonest claims, Social Services are now planning to sell Mary and David's home and use the proceeds to fund her care. This will render David homeless and deny Mary the means to return home. Mary has consistently stated she hates living in the care home and wishes to return home to live with her son.

During this time, David has fought tirelessly for his mother's right to return home. He has done this single-handedly and without legal representation. He can no longer continue his battle alone. He intends to appeal the recent decision of the Court to award Financial Guardianship to Social Services and, with legal assistance, to mount a case against Social Services to secure a revocation of the Welfare Guardianship awarded to them, so that he can fulfil Mary's wish to return home under his care.

As a result of the deliberate deprivation of contact and emotional support at the hands of Social Services, Mary's health and wellbeing has significantly deteriorated. So much so, that David is fearful of what might happen if he fails to win his appeal.

Why we are seeking to raise funds

We are seeking crowdfunding to instruct an experienced lawyer to review the case and to advise David how best to proceed in his appeal against the Financial Guardianship order and bring Mary back home. Without a home to return to, David will be unable to secure the revocation of the dishonestly obtained Welfare Guardianship that is currently held by Social Services. Winning the appeal against the Financial Guardianship is the first step in bringing Mary home and reuniting her with her son.

Time is of the essence

David has just two weeks to appeal against the Financial Guardianship decision and prevent Social Services from selling his and his mother's family home. The Court has not followed due process and has failed to advise David that he has the right to appeal. We need to raise £2,000.00 over the next week to secure the legal counsel David requires to proceed on his mother's behalf.

Help us bring Mary home

Please help David to win his battle to bring his Mother Mary home. Home is where Mary belongs, where she desperately wishes to be, and where she can best be cared for. Home is the only place where Mary and her son David can enjoy a meaningful family life together. Please join us in showing your solidarity and support. All donations, no matter how small, will be gratefully received.
On behalf of Mary and her son, David, we thank you for your kindness and generosity.
Please note that in order to protect the identity of his and his mother's identity and avoid any further intimidation from Social Services and the Local Authority concerned, we have used different names.

Further case details

Prior to her effective incarceration within the care system, Mary lived happily with her son in their shared home. They had lived together for years and had purchased the current property jointly. They enjoyed each other's company and went on frequent outings together.
Sadly, following a bout of food poisoning following a trip to a local restaurant and subsequent urinary tract infection, Mary was admitted to hospital. Following the delirium caused as a result of the infection, Mary was assessed as not having mental capacity and instead of being returned home to the care of her son, Social Services intervened and by means of an interim Welfare Guardianship order, placed Mary in a care home against both her and her son's wishes. Despite their protests, Social Services insisted that this was in Mary's best interests.
Mary has been there ever since. In this time, her son has courageously and tenaciously fought for her right to return home. Every week he makes the 6-hour round trip to visit his mother in the care home, and every visit she tells him how much she hates being in the care home, how she misses him, and how much she wishes she could return home.

Since April 2022, following an incident which caused her son to raise legitimate concerns regarding his mother's care, Mary's son is now only 'allowed' one, 1hr visit a week. This does not constitute a meaningful family life. Mary is utterly forlorn and deeply distressed by the enforced separation from her son and is sadly a shadow of her former self. Furthermore, the care provider has been deliberately conspiring to prevent Mary from receiving regular telephone contact with her son. Her mobile phone was taken away, thereby preventing her from calling her son and him from calling her in private. Contact is now restricted to calls to the landline in her room, which is frequently unplugged from the socket. Despite his daily calls, days go by without any phone contact. All visits are supervised, and all calls are monitored by staff, denying both Mary and her son private family time and private communication. The lack of meaningful contact has taken a huge toll on Mary's wellbeing.

Final comments

Sadly, Mary is not the only victim of such abuses at the hands of Social Services and the care providers they commission. Every year, hundreds, possibly thousands, of elderly and vulnerable citizens are placed in care homes against their will following the intervention of Social Services. These decisions are invariably driven by costs, not the 'best interests' of the individuals concerned, despite the contrary claims of Local Authority Social Services.

Our social care system is utterly broken and unfit for purpose. As a grassroots organization without any funding, we have neither the resources nor means to fight the corner of the thousands of souls let down by the system. All we can do is continue to campaign against the inadequacies of service provision and speak out against the abuses of Social Services and other bodies commissioned to care for the elderly and vulnerable.

Mary's son reached out to us six months ago and we and our members have been supporting him in his fight ever since. The story of his mother's treatment at the hands of Social Services has enraged us. We are determined to help her son appeal against the latest travesty of justice - the award of financial guardianship to the Local Authority.
We hope you will join us, and please do share widely.


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Saturday, 27 July 2024