Imagine controlling the world with every tweet or social med post until "they" shut down all dissenting narrative, it then sounds like a plot-line from the authoritarian "bible" 1984, instilling fear on a populace to control every aspect of it.

This is essentially what the governments mouthpiece Ofcom has become, in shutting down anything even remotely attacking the message being conveyed, ensuring that the only side to a view ever seen would conveniently be controlled by said government.

I find it repugnant that the MHRA which supposedly monitors safety signals of drugs & treatments it has previously declared as safe for rolling out to the public has never actually proved it is in effect doing that.

How can government entities actually get away with pretending to be in any way, shape or form, Impartial to declaring anything said to be "free from harms" when funding from Pharma to the tune of 85% is in place to dissuade them from actually reporting otherwise?

Shouldn't there be a governing body who then oversees these groups and department's for the publics safety, judging effectiveness and getting value for money from using the tax-payers money? Otherwise it's self-rule and a "believe me in what I say" attitude.

Ofcom has been guilty of allowing so much damaging misinformation on legacy media on safety & efficacy. How many people have been injured or killed by dangerous vaxines as a result though, with the protected lies spouted by the media? How many lives have been ruined?

They're like a cancer on peoples lives, allowing the peddling of lies to encourage and coerce those to take these toxic poisons yet they shut down anyone trying to better inform and in effect saving lives like MarkSteynOnline for example.

I was reminded by the MHRA's corruptive acts last year when Gareth Eve recently asked why he couldn't see Yellow card data for his poor wife Lisa who died after her Astrazeneca vaccine, and this was because they admitted in a live streamed business meeting last year that they had been deleting reports because they skewed data that stopped them from being seen as safe & effective. Admittedly stating in the same meeting that they had champagne on ice but were unable to make use of, how an inconvenience we all proved to be.

I'm sorry for everyone who's sick nowadays as seeing a Dr is still such a rarity, a moment to get a little one on one time to discuss your health that used to be such a normal everyday thing but with the declining Vax take-up they are now losing interest in the public.

Take for example the large numbers of them you can no longer see now because they've disappeared from the local surgery, taking up a kind of mythical vanished status but with the only obvious change being the vast sums of money they made the last 2 years from every man and his dog having the vaxines.

It is truly criminal that this was pushed on the public, knowing there never was the "real" science to back claims up and using the public purse to actually in-debt itself whilst making money for the global agenda'ists.

A disturbing fact about this is, is that at the very beginning AstraZeneca stated it would never aim to make a profit from the "emergency" as it would be selling its products at cost-price only Yet within the first few months it made £150 Million profit for its shareholders.

Not making the front pages as proof of yet another Pharma lie it was consigned to the business pages so that investors could judge what their latest holdings were worth without sickening the general public further.

So, seeing that clear line to profits is tough but for many years it's been clear that so many Drs set aside their years of training and duty-of-care to the actual patient to align themselves with a more lucrative means and that is pushing drugs for Pharma.

Proven quite openly in many documentary's about Pharma's "latest" wonder-drug to hit the market and turning out to be yet another catastrophic web of lies by so many in the drug regulators who then from out of nowhere found themselves in a top pharmaceutical position, and "all" they did was ensure a product was given an easy ride and declared safe Yet it was anything but. Blood money!

Reading recently, it is truly sickening seeing so many stories of hospitals being happier paying out vast sums of money to injured and bereaved like when Pharma prefers to be left alone to earn billions from hugely damaging products and then accept that they may see a fraction paid out in litigation later.

The more shocking deaths just lately seem to be the Maternity deaths that i feel is a much deeper horror because a baby has so much more to risk from these toxic poisons.