By Wayne Cunnington on Friday, 07 October 2022
Category: General

Lethal Protocol & a Jab Injury

A year and a half ago I couldn't have imagined writing something like this through the reduced brain power from my AstraZeneca jab injury but now that the neural pathways seem to be reconnecting it's something I can now do a little easier and wondered what I could achieve.

From not knowing my way in life as a teenager, career wise I threw myself into a few jobs hoping that at some point my path would soon emerge but I wasn't too worried about what I did work-wise and moved through various roles over different environments.

Having had a good work ethic instilled by both of my parents helped and although I enjoyed working hard for good rewards, I always thought there was more out there for me. But this is true of most people I think as who else wouldn't agree to the temptation when being on holiday and wishing it could continue, and never come back.

Anyway, through pure bad luck I've had a couple of industrial accidents over the years that then meant I needed extended time off and to be honest I didn't miss the job at all but the people I did do. If it hadn't been for financial need who knows where any of us would be?

So, roll forward to 2020 and with my mother having continued bad health amidst the Covid pandemic we were forced like so many others due to frailties in loved ones we had to call help from emergency services. I'll add that my mother had an amazing career of 50 years within the Shoe industry through many roles and Manager for the last couple of decades and was rarely ill for most of it. Being forced to retire through business changes she struggled to find purpose for a number of years but was always there for anyone. 

For the last 2-3 years of Mums life there were subtle changes in moods, appearance and confidence which were worrying but my folks were confident that there was nothing to worry about. Sadly, in the months before 2020 the deterioration went dramatically downhill and although now accepting there was a problem it was too late to get anyone to help her because of bureaucracy causing delays in the health system. 

Not until March when Mum was taken into hospital with a minor infection did we get an official diagnosis of vascular dementia on the ward but we could at least visit and see Drs and ask questions. This was the 1st time we were informed a DNR was being placed on Mums health and I was disgusted that it wasn't a decision taken with family's input. Although Mum was deteriorating daily she did show sparks of her old self helping orderlies move a patient into the ward and often tidying up others beds, much to the amusement of nurses. 

Bringing some coffees onto the ward a few times I'd see her eyes light up and she'd say "is that for me?" because she did like her lattes at one time. It wasn't always easy though trying instil that idea of a need to eat to live but we had a plan moving forward with high calorie drinks to boost energy levels. 

Through my dad's ill health and working full time we seemed to find a balance with foods for a time but because carers wouldn't attend due to covid restrictions mum got another infection and was taken to hospital to be on "the safe side," said paramedics. Sadly, this was the beginning of a 5 week battle of care in hospital where nurses weren't attending to mums needs although there was an Angel on mums side who'd been by her side through part of a previous stay in encouraging eating and talking and also Face Timed me a few times. During one call i remember Mums saying "I'm coming home Wayne, don't worry" which was a beautiful thing to hear considering the pandemic worries.

Through a need to protect Mum a decision was taken to move her after a few weeks to a care home and knowing continuing health restrictions I decided to visit the home and spoke to mum through an open window. Mum always loved to laugh so I tried running on the stop which worked with mum saying "Wayne, you're funny" so in it I had positive hopes although I could see her health dramatically shifting in just these few weeks. Agonisingly it turned out hospital staff hadn't passed along requests for the high calorie drinks and so hadn't eaten anything for days so obviously her health would deteriorate. 

After a week's stay at the care home Mum was rushed back to hospital with a temperature and upon arrival was "tested" positive for covid although by FaceTime again still seemed in good spirits repeating "don't worry Wayne, I'm coming home" although this was prompted by the carer due to a continued weakened state. 

At no time were we made to feel more concerned about Mums health as she was still chatty and ok in herself but a decision was made to put her on a ventilator and end of life care was administered, I later found out. During mum's final week as it turned out we were allowed to visit albeit gowned, masked and gloved up and distressingly mum was all skin and bones now because no nourishment was being administered. Mum was still fighting back though because of facial movements and speech said in her "sleep" so against all the odds there was still hope of a recovery. 

The last day of Mums life there was very little reaction to stimulus and for the first time I noticed a box attached to mum's arm to which I questioned a nurse about to which she said was "end of life care". My obvious response was "why, isn't mum going to get better?" to which the nurse stated "no". At no time was this mentioned to me or my father and I just felt a sudden feeling of shock and distress at the news. 

At this another woman came into the room who was purely there to prepare me for the idea of mums passing as it was her role in the hospital, and then quickly followed by a male. I remember her saying to me "the sooner you come to terms with her passing the sooner your mum will be able to pass away" to which I'd actually said goodbye to her. Maybe my imagination but I'm sure that at this point the woman gave a nod to her male colleague and then made some changes to the box on mum's wrist. 

After mentioning it to a nurse about mum's Christian faith a priest was called but not knowing when they'd appear i left at this moment and sat outside the hospital entrance with a coffee to collect my thoughts. Just reaching my car I was phoned by the Ward to announce mum had passed away.

Only much later did I realise the full horror of what had happened to mum in hospital because you believe that they are safe spaces that care for your loved ones don't you.

Not during the proceeding 8 months was there a chance to think of anything other than the fear campaign because of a harrowing funeral, more covid restrictions and increased hrs at work due to panic buying.

So, I made the worst decision of my life in getting my covid jab on the 22/2/21 because the media and governments relentless message was to "protect your family and others", sadly I didn't realise the lies and deception by so many. Although I got brain tissue damage as a direct result of my covid jab which was also linked on medical discharge papers I couldn't fully comprehend the seriousness of my condition because of the blasé way consultants would talk to me about my developing MS and or Dementia in my future and the ignorant way I was wheeled to the hospital exit after 11 days stay with the message "bye". 

I walked with a stick for many months and which wasn't provided free, lived in a brain-fog haze and retreated from a sociable and outgoing life and pretty much shut myself away. Feeling pretty much ignored by Drs and other medical experts unless I made a nuisance of myself it seemed to be typical of so many others injured by their jabs also I found over the last year and a half. 

Through connections made with others around the world I felt I was helping others to be better informed of risks associated with the jabs by doing podcasts from May 2021 through to this year and found was incredibly beneficial to me also. I'll forever be grateful to a couple of American ladies who introduced me to speaking about my story as this led to so much through becoming active on social media in attacking the government narrative on safety and efficacy of the jabs. 

Who knows what the future actually holds but I continue to take each day as it comes, taking the good days with the bad as we all do now. Sadly, my working career seems to have finished now through the neurological effects, fatigue and migraines so I decided to access my pensions through ill health in January. Little did I know that 10 months later after dealing with Drs and numerous members of staff at pension companies would I still be waiting for settlement figures even though which were meant to be finalised within a few months.

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