Do you realise how damning that statistic is?

We don't trust the people WE employ to run OUR country or tell the truth.

That isn't the Conservatives OR Labour, we don't trust any of them.

This statistic makes them the least trusted profession in the UK right now. To put it into context we trust estate agents and car salespeople to tell the truth more than we do our politicians.

This is terrifying!

How can you have people you don't trust in control of the country, its finances, and its people?

It is time for a complete rethink and revolution of our system, the government, and how we think about who is in charge of this country.

We cannot just do as we have always done and vote for the best of a bad bunch and cross our fingers! This has been shown over the last 40 years to simply go from bad to worse.

Now is the time to come together ALL of us, the non-voters, the swing voters, people who have always voted for a party (because their dads voted that way), and vote local independent MPs into power. Remove the two-party system and stop the rot that has set in over decades of misuse and corruption of power.

Stand for transparency, integrity, honesty, and our rights as people of this country to have a say.

This is the time, this is the moment of truth, this is critical.

Find your local independent MP, make sure they live in the borough, tell them what you expect of them, and ensure that they have the constituent's best interests at heart. Find someone you trust! Help them get elected, encourage others to understand the importance of this vote, and help create a Greater Britain for us all.

Come and join us at we aren't a party we are a movement encouraging everyone who calls this country home to help decentralize power, and put it back into the hands of the people so WE have a say on how this country is run.

The statistic was taken from a recent poll by IPSOS. (link below)

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